

In an accident? Contact our team of injury lawyers for a free case review!




You can be the greatest quarterback in the NFL, but if you don’t have a ball, you are not going to complete one pass. Similarly, you can be seriously injured due to the negligence of another, but if there is limited or no money available to compensate you, the best lawyers cannot do anything to change that situation.


This can be avoided. You can protect yourself by buying uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, which starts at a minimum of $25,000 per person/$50,000 per accident. Check with your insurance agent, but this coverage is not that expensive. I would recommend $100,000/$300,000 as the minimum amount to protect you. Although most people do have insurance, there are a good number of people driving with the minimum limits of $25,000 of liability coverage. We see this situation all the time; where a person is injured, taken by ambulance to UMC hospital, who treats him in the trauma unit and generates a bill of say $10,000. The hospital has an automatic lien on your case, so with only $25,000 available, there is not much money left to pay for other doctor bills and compensate that person for their injuries. It really is not that much different from the drunk driver with no insurance.

强烈建议您为自己和家人购买大量未投保/投保不足的机动车保险。即使您有健康保险,您也可以通过购买医疗费用保险(也称为医疗支付)来使您的索赔受益。医疗费用保险的限额通常为 5,000 美元或 10,000 美元。您可以获得更高的限额,请咨询您的保险代理人。如果您发生车祸,此保险将支付最高限额的医疗费用。这些费用仅在机动车事故发生后才生效。那么除此之外,它还有什么好处呢?我们经常被问到这个问题:“我叔叔的情况和我一样,为什么他净赚了近 10,000 美元,而我只赚了 5,000 美元?”您的叔叔很可能有医疗费用保险。大多数软组织索赔最终都以患者治疗几个月而告终。如果没有医疗费用,医生通常会以留置权为您治疗,这笔钱必须在案件结束时偿还。医生、医院、健康保险公司和医疗保险的留置权会蚕食您的净赔偿金。医疗费用的好处在于,您不必在索赔结束时偿还。例如,“客户 A”治疗了 2 个月,医疗费用为 5,000 美元。他有医疗费用。该案件的和解价值为 10,000 美元。唯一的费用是 1/3 的律师费,因此他净赚 6,666 美元。(假设示例中没有费用)。

“客户 B” 有相同的费用,但这些费用都属于留置权。在 Craig P. Kenny & Associates,我们的收入从不高于客户,因此在第二个例子中,我们会将留置权协商降低到 4,000 美元左右,并将我们的费用降低几百美元,这样客户就可以得到大约 3,000 美元;这与“客户 A”相差甚远。请记住,您欠留置权款项这一事实不会增加您的索赔价值。如果案件交由陪审团审理,保险或是否欠账单都无关紧要。

The bottom line is, don’t rely on your fellow driver to carry enough insurance to compensate you for your claim. If you own a car, you are in control of whether you have the above coverages to protect and benefit you. If you are unsure of the coverages you carry on your insurance policy, please give us or your insurance agent a call to go over it with you.


拉斯维加斯律师事务所 Craig P. Kenny & Associates 已为内华达州拉斯维加斯的受伤受害者提供值得信赖的法律代理服务,我们已成立 27 年。Craig Kenny 为内华达州拉斯维加斯的居民提供法律服务,主要从事人身伤害法领域的工作,重点是车祸、滑倒和跌倒事故、工伤赔偿、刑事辩护、保险恶意索赔和交通罚单。

Craig P. Kenny 及其敬业的人身伤害律师团队利用其丰富的法律专业知识,致力于尽快、高效地为您的伤害获得最高和解方案。他们还将帮助您获得康复期间可能需要的任何额外损害赔偿,包括与事故相关的当前和未来医疗费用。

We treat our clients as a part of the family

Craig P. Kenny & Associates 的目标是像对待家人一样对待每一位客户。我们的员工始终友善、有礼,并专注于每一位走进我们大门的客户。通过与 Craig P. Kenny & Associates 合作,您可以期待在您的案件处理期间以及我们整个工作关系期间都能获得及时和认真的服务!我们以提供一流的客户服务为荣,无论是在家中、医院还是工作场所与客户会面,我们始终可以指导您完成案件的每一步!

If you or a loved one are in need of the best personal injury attorney Las Vegas has to offer, contact Craig P. Kenny & Associates for a free injury case evaluation. (702) 380-2800


内华达州拉斯维加斯的 Craig P. Kenny & Associates 的联系电话为 702-380-2800。我们的无保险机动车事故律师随时准备为您提供帮助。

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